Friday 26 July 2013

Filipino Street Food - Kain Kalye

In light of the upcoming Kultura Filipino Arts Festival, we thought we would broaden your knowledge of Filipino street food or Kain Kalye.

We have done a little research on the matter and realized that Filipino food in general is underrated and really not that well known when compared to other Asian cuisines. What we have read, seen and even heard makes us think that it's time we all learned a little about this type of food.

So what have we read - well, there are lots of blogs that talk about Filipino street food. These have been helpful in providing a guide to this type of cuisine.  Here are some Filipino street foods that are quite popular:

1.  Dirty Ice Cream or Sorbetes

2.  Banana-Que or Banana-Q 

3.  Kwek Kwek

4.  Betamax 

5.  Day-old 

6.  Adidas 

7.  Buko 

8.  Turon 

9.  Taho 

10. Fish balls

11. Isaw or Esaw 

12. Helmet

12. Balut 

What have we seen - judge for yourself!

What have we heard - YouTube celebrity Mikey Bustos singing about Filipino street food. Enjoy! This is hilarious!

To be honest, the only Filipino food that we have ever had was at a Portuguese/Filipino wedding shower (and that was basically lumpia and noodles) and the KW Multicultural Festival where it consisted of the BBQ plate...bbq chicken, skewers, spring rolls, rice and noodles...all very delicious and as we described - very safe. No street food...well, not yet anyway!

There is a lot of food in the Filipino culinary world that attracts every appetite and then some that attracts only the daring! Bottom line is we agree with many in the know that Filipino food is underrated and needs to be explored a little more!

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